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Board Of Executives

Yap Zhi Shen

Wong Bo Kang

Assisting Vice-President
Chen Zhen Li

Creative Director
Daniel Tan

Head Of IT Consultant
Chua Cheng Han

General Manger
Lim Zi Hui

Alvin Tan

Wong Wei Jin

Security Guard

Theron Tan

Wee Qi Rui

Lin Wei


Law by Law


Fun Stuffs When Ur Bored

mad tv
orisinal(tap out games)
watch movies
zhishen's blog


Back Track.

August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008




Thank You.



Friday, September 26, 2008

Today is the 26th september, which is also our mentor (Lin Wei a.k.a Old Man (lao ren), purple Ez-link card guy) birthday.


But some of us are starting to work today so we decided to give him a surprise on wednesday which he don't know.

We went to bukit batok nature reserve to eat his cake, sing bday song and everything.

In between no need say keep walking.. As u all know going out with Daniel when u don't need to walk?

We ended at the 2 side by side coffee shop near nature reserve there slack till bout 1 plus then we went home..
By: CH

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dear members,

I, Daniel Tan, the Creative Director, feel that it is time for us to take our revenge on Wong Bo Kang. Why? Nearly, all our members had felt his wrath. Even readers of this blog can feel it just by reading some of his 'tap out' posts. Here's a list of his evil doings... ...

>>only accompany you if the place you want to go is convenient for him to go or it's near his house(even though he is damn free)

>>tends to agree with things at the beginning but once everyone agrees, he will be the first one to back out (pang sair)

>>when hanging out, he tends to pick some ridiculously early time to meet up

>>going home extremely early

>>makes unnecessary noises that sound incredibly stupid

>>come out with ideas that are intangible, nonsensical and impossible

My proposal is that we play as many pranks as we can on him. We can put bomb bag inside his letterbox, place those big green dustbin directly outside his house or slot tonnes and tonnes of flyers into his house. Here are some other examples of tricks I found on Youtube.

A compilation of pranks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAwPTll65Ks&feature=related
Famous toilet prank http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o402I9tF6Vg
Massage Chair prank http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvwOYoziT2A&feature=related
Crazy Taxi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYVCP5BHK-o&feature=related
Water pit prank http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9JwRg7mQ9Q

Wong Bo Kang, it's payback time.

By: Daniel

Sunday, September 21, 2008

As the president of this blog, i would like to apologise for some nonsensical posts done by Bo Kang. The english is terrible, the content is horrible and the format is ermmm, un-commendable. Eventhough you probably laugh your ass off reading those super crappy posts, but seriously, its damn lame and stupid. Look at his lastest post, what has national anthem, traditional clothes and language as got to do with anything in the first place?! Jesus, save him please.

The Reason

As all of you know from the earlier post, our President Yap Zhi Shen, went on a mission to capture MSK (Mas Selamat Kastari). He indeed found MSK camp site deep within the tropical jungles of Malaysia. But apparently a ladybug flew in at this moment and went inside Z.S shirt. Due to his agua-ness, he totally freaked out and opened fire randomly which resulted in the escape of MSK again.

So i have been sent to finish what our president have failed to complete.
Mission: Capture MSK once and for all
From our intelligence MSK has currently fled to Vietnam. Thus that's where I shall start the mission.
Be rest assured that I will accomplish this mission without fail! For the safety of our people and our country. LONG LIVE MnM & Dragon Tooth~!!!

By: BK
*This post and the previous one has won an award for being one of the crappiest thing ever typed by a human being.

Hey guys, as you know, I, Wong Bo Kang, the V.P of Dragon Tooth, will be leaving for Vietnam tml so i decided to post something cultural about Vietnam so that you all can learn about it. HAhz

First of all the traditional costume of Vietnam.

Next will be their national anthem.

I will post the link here so pls go and listen.
There is also their pop music and their language(sounds funny)

By: BK

Saturday, September 20, 2008

HELLO PEEPS!!! Guess where we went this time... ... Try guessing something ridiculously stupid and crazy...

Another higher hill?!

Another better dessert!?




We met at West Mall at 1 o'clock to have lunch together be4 heading off to take Bus 975 to Lim Chu Kang where the Goat Farm is located in the middle of nowhere. As you all know Lim Chu Kang is famously known for agricultural purposes so we weren't surprise when the bus we boarded was empty once we entered LCK. (below)

We reached the Hay Dairies rather quickly. Maybe because it was a weekday, the farm was empty. Except for the staff, the only people there were a couple and us. We had a quick look around and fed the goats at light speed as it was f****** smelly. Before we left we bought some overpriced goat milk.

The place was not well maintained and there were only a handful of staff. Unlike stated on 'Places to visit when in Singapore' books, it didn't charge the $3 entrance fee.

Grade - C5

$2 per bottle, somemore 200ml only... ... Siao ah~!!!

So do you know where does the word GOATEE comes from.


Next was the Dragon Fruit Farm situated besides Hay Dairies. Unfortunately, we came at the wrong time because it wasn't the dragon fruit season. (Anyway, when is the season~??)

The place looked deserted and there were no directions on where to go and what to do. But a quick look around guided us to the caretakers of the place. This group of friendly Ah Ma were gambling away and our presence did not matter them at all.

Our disappointment quickly turned to delight as we found this fusbal table at the farm. And we played with it for nearly 30 mins... Wakao, damn fun la... Jitap. This farm is actually quite appealing as they sold canned dragon fruit drinks which you don't usually find in most convenience store. And it was quite tasty with real dragonfruit bits.

Grade - B4

But our journey did not end here. After that we went to Sembawang Beach to catch the sunset. The beach was a real bitch. The people fishing there looked fierce and unfriendly. The water did not stank but was damn dirty, didn't do much there. We actually wanted to have dinner at a place called Bottle Tree Village but in the end due to some reason it did not happen. So we killed time at this sand-playground playing catching. (Its alright nothin to be ashamed of, as if u all nv play be4).

After enduring our hunger pangs we finally went to Sun Plaza to have our dinner. End of trip.

All in all, a good trip though.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

LOL man,want to know how poly students celebrate Mid Autumn Festival? 8 o'clock at night, gather at one kopitiam sit down have dinner. After that go find a shop which sells lantern and buy some and candles (obviously). After that go to somewhere where it's extremely dark and forestry. And you know what happens.

DAMN DARK(totally no lights)




P.S The moon is very beautiful on that night, glad that the clouds didn't block it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hi GUYs, how r u feelin today.Sry haven blog this few days as nth much to talk about.So yesterday we went to jurong west swimming pool.THe DAMN big one whr when u take mrt to JP u can see water shooting into the sky.SO went thr at 3 and we started TO SWIM.nth much happened as oni afew min dan lost his specs...KNN have to help in find in the lazy pool.Went round the lazy pool 4 rounds man, AND STILL CANNOT find !#$&. SO we went to play the slide and zs and Ditt join us at this time.We went back to the lazy pool and ditt manages to find dan's specs .bloody tyco.
Tired of the slide we went to the wave pool to play WRESLTING.Alot of trademarks were used, powerbomb, F5, 360 flip over, u name it.WRestling in the pool is DAMN fun but beware of alvin.This guy wont care whether u die or live when wrestling with him after doin trademarks on u he armlock ur head and drag u around WITH UR HEAD UNDERNEATH the water.Maybe he thinks we can breathe underwater.ANd most of all thanks to ditt and dan who let us slam them into the pool 5 6 times in a row.tag team.wonder how they felt.HAHa
So at about 6 we went back as everyone was dead tired and hungry.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lin Wei extra la. He don belong to this group. Lol. Thanks to Zhen Li, we found a wonderful job. (:

Sunday, September 7, 2008

This Guy Champion.
We were outside gloria jeans and the poster said, "Get Any Ice Blended for $3.00". So, as we wanted a drink, we all went in and sat down. Queued up and when everyone got their drinks, Lin Wei went up to the cashier and said,

"Ermmm... ... I want ice blended."
The Cashier gave him the 'wtf look'. "Which ice blended"?

HAHAHHAHA! What a retard!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Wahaha these few days damn sian and daniel still damn suay.. Some jokes i found in my old phone sent by Lin Wei a.k.a Old Man (lao ren), purple Ez-link card guy..


昨夜我被几只猛鬼猛追! 我边跑边向他们扔出呼身符,佛牌和佛珠都没用! 最后我扔出一张子,他们马上消失了! 我低头一看,原来是你的照片! 谢谢你救了我一命~

This should apply to Daniel.. hehehezz

Joke 2:

Person A: Hi! What's your name?
Child: Guess.
Person A: Aiya, i lazy to guess lah. Say lei.
Child: Guess lar.
Person A: I dont want to guess. Say!
Person A: I really dont want to guess! Just say lar!
Child: *Faints*

The child name is guess..

Joke 3:


Joke 4:



By: Head Of IT Consultant, CCH

Thursday, September 4, 2008

As the president of this blog, I could not just sit back and pretend nth had happened. Daniel's bike was stolen on the 4th of Sep. Witnesses said that some imbeciled, low IQ, unbelieveably poor chap stole it. I perceived that he/she came from a super broken family, resulting in such a low and brainless scheme. Maybe he/she was born without brains (but since when were THEY born with brains, duh) or maybe the person needs a form of transportation and taking the bus or MRT seem like too much finacial problems were sitting on his/hers shoulders. I mean, all they can afford is a motocycle to ferry like easily what, 5 or 6 children? Another point taken, no family planning. I'm sorry I have to rant about this issue not only online but onlife too, however, things have gone way too far. Take a good look at Changi Prison and you'll know what I'm talking about. For those who knows me, you should already know what I'm talking about from the beginning. Okay, back to the main point, hopefully, this little retard better not let any of us see him with the bike, or I'll make sure the next thing he sees are bars. I bet hes going to sell the bike and for christ sake, they finally get to eat rice! Instead of the daily food of bread and some grass. Okay, i shall not waste my precious time pondering how to get rid of them. LONG LIVE MnM!

HEY GUYs, how r u man. Ok, today almost all our members started working and looking for jobs, which left only me, Dan and cheng han. SO being bored to the most extreme state, we decided to go Bukit Batok Nature Reserve to catch fishes without using nets(u nvr noe wat we can do man).After that we went to CRAZY ANG MOH to have our dinner. This ang moh really very siao, he all of a sudden appear beside us and tap Dan's shoulders and start shaking our hands. JITAP. So we bought our dinner from him as he offered us student price. And after that he started to take photos with everyone in the kopitiam who bought food from him (very enthu sia).

OK GUYS, the thing I am going to tell you is that Dan's bicycle got stolen. IT happened at BLK 295 kopitiam opposite the Bukit Batok Nature Reserve. We dont know who stole it. We searched for it for like 30 mins b4 giving up. I m going to upload a pic of Dan's bike so pls help Dan to look out for his bicycle. Thank you.
Look out for the frame. Paint might be sprayed over it by the theif, so it's better if you could take a closer look. Other distinct features are, the weared out grips of the handle, the badly damaged peddles and the water bottle compartment.
By: B.k
Please, if any of you think you saw Dan's bicycle just give any of us a call and follow that guy. Don't do anything stupid, wait until we reach there and we will beat that guy up together.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ok guys, here starts another crazy journey... in search of Singapore's Best Tap Out Foodies, YUM YUM !!!

We came all the way to Lavender. Some of us wanted to make passport but in the end TOO MANY PPL so went to had our lunch instead, at Golden Mile Food Centre.

Had our main course but it wasn't unique so not worth mentioning. But when we had our desserts thats where it starts to KICK IN!
THIS BELGIAN CHOCOLATE, I AM TELLING U MAN, SPENT $12 on it and its worth every single cent. The chocolate was damn smooth and fragrant and it really goes DAMN WELL with the marshmallows and waffles. And we kept praising it until the rest of us had it too. Oh ya almost forgot, we can also order ice-cream to go with the chocolate.

jitao tap out madness ranking -- espada lvl
more pictures of it

Us eating tapout desserts

And next was this chin chow stall .

Ok... its small, looks out of business and nothing special, but don't be decieve by it's looks.

When you go near it, you can feel the aura of extremely good food waiting for you. Thus we stopped and started to purchase nearly 1 tonne of chin chow (really?). And this was what happened.

Hao Chi~~!!! (delicious)

Makansutra or Kamasutra??

Glamour shots

-another espada lvl food

3 CHEERS (camp ah??) for these aunties' jitap chin chow. And also they treated us to two free chin chow jelly. Thank you tapout aunties.
Thanks to these, at least our trip to Lavender was not a waste.

Guess thats all for today.
Pls be patient everyone as the next post will be up very soon.

By: VP, Bk

A quick run through of our members...

lvl - madness level,

FQ - famous quote,

Ulti - trademark, *- Espada

*Yap Zhi Shen a.k.a Ang ku kueh, red face, Meramon, Lava boy, HellBoy
A very crazy guy, also very sissy. This crazy sissy is one hell of a sabo-kia. Capable of sudden outbursts, will make you tap out at least 3 times upon meeting him. He is one of the Espadas that was 1st to be discovered.
lvl - 95
FQ - "Ok, jitap/jirui/jitao", "u ready anot"
Ulti - borrow ur money, nv to return / put face super near u

Wong Bo Kang a.k.a BK, Kang kang, Long Kang
Just like Ichigo in Bleach, this guy's madness level will change drastically. When at his peak, BK is able to knock out any person of Espada rank. Possesses greater powers that have yet to be uncovered. Lately, his power has been increasing at an alarming rate. Will be an Espada within a few months if he keeps at it.
lvl - between 79~91 (will fluctuate)
FQ - "huh, wat u say...fight la", "so u 1 like that play la ..."
Ulti - flick u with his middle finger / facial expressions so crappy, u will tap

Chen Zhen Li a.k.a shorty
At only 156cm, this guy can pack a powerful punch in terms of talking cock. Although lousy under certain circumstances, he can rebounce back as long as he feels the need to. Capable of holding up against any Espada. Needs to put in more effort to become an Espada.
lvl - 65~87(will fluctuate)
FQ - "Ok, Bankai"
Ulti - threatening ppl by taking their things as hostage

*Daniel Tan a.k.a white face, ghost, UIC, bleach, daniel-dildo
The Orichimaru in Naruto, the gluttony in FMA, the sabre in FSN and the cleaning powder in Mr Muscle. This 'jiao' is one hell of a captain. Wherever he goes, he stunners. So prepare for stone cold white stone. Jitaoness.
lvl - 95
FQ - "hmmm... don't dare me ah" , "come la, scared ah!?" , "aiee, don't talk cock la"
Ulti - dance like a retard / Elbow Drop / Swanton Bomb/ throw slipper very high up in the air

Chua Cheng Han a.k.a CH, durian head, tiko, Esplanade
I have nothing much to say about this guy except that he sucks at being a crapper, for now. When the crappy atmosphere is at it's climax, he will usually step in to kill everything. Needs lot of improvements. Gained half a lvl recently.
lvl - 48.5
FQ - "Wo tap!!!", "cannot like that 1 la..."
Ulti - being extremely lame

Lim Zi Hui a.k.a ZH, mad kid
Another rising star, gained tremendous powers immediately after his 'O' lvls. Able to comprehend nonsense that are of Espadas' level. Has potential to go further.
lvl - 82
FQ - "393 la..."
Ulti - sudden outburst of laughters / non-stop laughing

*Alvin Tan a.k.a Alvin Tan , Pui kia
The person who grew the most level within the shortest time so far, this plump guy is loaded with tonnes of crazy quotes. Recently, his powers have stop increasing but he still has what it takes to make you tap.
lvl - 93
FQ - "It takes 10yrs to ...", "Ulti... ", "Go Bo Kang house la!"
Ulti - pretending to be good in Muay Thai / Walls of Jericho

Wong Wei Jin a.k.a Ah Gua Jin, Luo Han Yu
One of the earlier members of the Dragon Tooth Clan, Wei Jin was the ATM machine for our members. Although not as insane as the rest, Wei Jin encourages people to do crazy things. Might be diagnosed with Lung Cancer by the age of 35.
lvl - 24
FQ - None
Ulti - Clutch onto opponent

*Dittaya Mhosomboon a.k.a ditt, DM, Peter North
Although not active currently, ditt once topped the Espada list. His crapping prowess was once feared by many. Has countless of achievements under his belt, ditt could easily add more if he wanted to. His return is much anticipated by everyone. He specialises in 'dirty-crapping'.
lvl - 96.5
FQ - "You die already...", "Come here"
Ulti - Bear hug / finger flick from hell / smack ur butt so hard, u will have problem shitting

Theron Tan a.k.a Ah Mao, Monkey Tan, Teh Kor, Dua Kang, Arsenal
One of the Elders in the Clan, also a hooligan, Theron has 0 ability in crapping and has an amazingly bad sense of humor. His one and only ability to make someone tap out, even an Espada, is to rant about his 'oh so good knowledge' about cars. Could be the next Arsenal's mascot (cannon).
lvl - 19~32
FQ - Walao, Wei~
Ulti - None

Wee Qi Rui a.k.a bulldozer, army tank, rhino
This guy is in a class of his own. Has future in the SAF as a Commander. Whoever wrote this part will be dead by the time you read it. R.I.P to whoever wrote this. Recently, he has been missing in action (MIA).
lvl - ??
FQ - None
Ulti - Flashsteps / Moving at 70km/h

Lin Wei a.k.a Old Man (lao ren), purple Ez-link card guy
The only person considered sane enough to hang out with us, Lin Wei is able to withstand any crap given to him. Little is known about his past but some speculated that he was once an Espada in his younger days. Constantly suffers from harassment for being a Jackie Chan lookalike.
lvl - 26
FQ - "Oi~!", "POKXY!"
Ulti - smacking boys butt.

Lim Hui Shan a.k.a LHS, siao za bor
Our newest member, Hui Shan showed talent in crapping when she began her tertiary studies. Under our constant influence, she started to blossom into a full-fledged crapper. Definitely has potential to go further but needs lot of practice.
lvl - 63~77
FQ - None
Ulti - None